Razan Al Mubarak Discusses the Critical Role of Cities in Global Climate Strategies

In an editorial published in The National, Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak, the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28, emphasized the significant role that cities play in addressing global climate change. She highlighted findings from a recent study unveiled at the Bonn Climate Change Conference, which showed that despite their contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, urban centers are frequently overlooked in national climate plans.

Ms. Al Mubarak advocates for a greater focus on integrating cities into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), given their potential to impact global climate goals significantly. She explains, "Cities, which provide numerous opportunities such as employment, education, and healthcare, also experience the adverse effects of climate change, from escalating heatwaves to more frequent flooding. This dual role positions them uniquely to lead in climate mitigation and adaptation efforts."

Her editorial also revisits last year’s COP28 Local Climate Action Summit, highlighting the launch of the COP28 Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnership (CHAMP). This initiative was a pivotal step towards bringing urban issues to the forefront of climate discussions, ensuring that cities and regions are key players in formulating and executing climate action.

Through her continued advocacy, Ms. Al Mubarak is ensuring that the role of urban settings in climate strategies is not only recognized but also prioritized, fostering a cooperative approach to achieve resilient and sustainable urban futures.

Link to editorial.

Razan Al Mubarak Discusses the Ocean's Role in Climate Mitigation in The National Editorial

In a recent editorial published in The National on June 7th, Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28 and President of IUCN, highlighted the vital role of oceans in combating climate change. She emphasized, "The ocean is truly the 'lungs' of the earth, absorbing a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions and capturing 90 percent of the excess heat generated by them." This assertion underscores the ocean's critical function as the largest carbon sink and its importance in global climate mitigation strategies.

Ms. Al Mubarak addressed the significant underfunding of ocean conservation. She noted that SDG14, which focuses on the sustainable use of oceans, receives the least support among the UN Sustainable Development Goals. She called for increased funding to protect vital blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, essential for carbon storage, stating, "A healthy ocean is vital to protect us from the worst impacts of climate change."

The editorial also reflected on initiatives launched at COP28, such as the Ocean Breakthroughs and the Mangrove Breakthrough, which aim to restore and protect 15 million hectares of mangroves globally by 2030. Ms. Al Mubarak urged for ongoing action and collaboration, particularly from nations in the Arabian Gulf, to leverage their rich marine biodiversity for the blue economy.

Razan Al Mubarak's editorial serves as a call to action to sustainably manage our oceans, emphasizing their pivotal role in our climate strategy. As significant global environmental milestones approach, including COP29 and the UN Ocean Conference in 2025, her message is clear: "Let’s work together to protect our best friend – and ourselves." This call to action stresses the importance of safeguarding our most significant ally in climate mitigation—the ocean—to protect our environment and our future.

Link to editorial.

Razan Al Mubarak on Biodiversity and Climate Solutions: A Call to Action on International Day for Biological Diversity

On the International Day for Biological Diversity, Razan Al Mubarak, IUCN President and UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28, emphasized the interconnectedness of biodiversity and climate change in her recent editorial in The National. Highlighting the critical role of ecosystems in providing essential services, from pollination and water filtration to carbon storage, she calls for urgent global action to address the threats these systems face from human activity.

Ms. Al Mubarak points to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, where nations committed to protecting 30% of their land and seas by 2030, as a key example of the international effort required to reverse biodiversity loss. She stresses the importance of aligning this with climate strategies under the frameworks of both the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The UAE Consensus, agreed to by all nations at COP28, serves as a significant milestone, with commitments to halt deforestation by 2030 and pledges totaling $2.7 billion to fund nature protection efforts. Ms. Al Mubarak underlines the role of countries like the UAE, which has committed $100 million to forest preservation, in leading by example.

The editorial also recognizes the indispensable contributions of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in conserving biodiversity, advocating for their continued involvement and acknowledgment in global environmental governance.

As the world approaches more critical meetings like COP29 and COP16, Ms. Al Mubarak calls for sustained political will, inclusive engagement, and robust financial support to implement the agreed-upon actions effectively. Her message is clear: on this International Day for Biological Diversity, everyone must be part of the plan to ensure a sustainable and resilient future.

Link to the editorial

Nature's Role in Our Climate Future: Highlights from Razan Al Mubarak's Editorial

In her recent editorial for The National on Earth Day and International Mother Earth Day, Razan Al Mubarak emphasized the need to prioritize nature in global climate action. Drawing on the outcomes of COP28, she underscored the importance of a unified, nature-centric approach to meet the ambitious goals set during the conference.

Al Mubarak highlighted COP28’s landmark commitments, including the global pledge to halt deforestation by 2030 and the mobilization of $2.7 billion for nature-related projects. She underscored the pivotal role of Indigenous communities, whose knowledge and practices are crucial to environmental protection.

Al Mubarak also emphasized the importance of protecting marine and coastal ecosystems through initiatives like the Mangrove Alliance for Climate and seagrass conservation projects. These ecosystems are vital not only as carbon sinks but also as protective barriers and biodiversity nurseries.

Looking forward, she advocated for an integrated approach that aligns nature-based solutions with the Paris Agreement's goals. This shift calls for viewing nature not just as a resource but as a partner in building a sustainable future.Al Mubarak closed with a call to action, urging collective efforts across all sectors and highlighting the importance of philanthropy in supporting nature-based climate solutions. Her editorial is a clear reminder that our journey to a sustainable and resilient future relies on a collaborative relationship with nature, driven by the spirit of global solidarity forged at COP28.

Razan Al Mubarak Highlights the Power of Culture to Shift Perceptions on Climate in an Op-Ed for The National

In a recent piece written on the occasion of the Cultural Summit 2024, held in Abu Dhabi, H. E. Razan Al Mubarak reflected on the role of cultural institutions in shifting public perceptions on climate and nature and boosting actions to address climate change and biodiversity loss.

Ms. Al Mubarak, who is President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28, said the world needed “a sharp increase in renewable energy, heightened energy efficiency, a responsible shift away from fossil fuels and a renewed commitment to preserving nature.”

Despite the progress achieved during the UN climate talks in Dubai last year, more needs to be done, said Ms. Al Mubarak. There is a funding gap of nearly $1 trillion per year for climate and nature preservation and restoration projects. More importantly, however, decision-makers and society as a whole need to expand their focus, considering the well-being of future generations instead of only considering short-term goals.

According to Ms. Al Mubarak, cultural institutions possess “a unique power to inspire change…by fostering a deep connection with people and communities, cultural institutions can bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and action, transforming the way we understand and respond to the environmental crisis,” she wrote.

In addition, cultural institutions can turn “scientific data into compelling narratives that resonate with a broad audience, sparking a collective movement towards sustainability”, she said.

“In this critical moment, we are called to choose the legacy we will leave behind. Will we be remembered as the generation that stood by as our planet suffered, or as the pioneers who rose to meet the greatest challenge of our time? The decision is ours, and the time to act is now.”

Read the full article by Razan Al Mubarak in The National.

For COP15, Razan Al Mubarak lays out vision to successfully halt biodiversity loss by 2030

On the eve of the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15) in Montreal, Canada, Razan Al Mubarak penned an op-ed for The National laying out her vision for how the world can halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. 

In the op-ed, Ms. Al Mubarak called on negotiators to use IUCN resources and tools to measure progress on reaching their goal of conserving at least 30 percent of the world’s ecosystems by 2030. She highlighted the value of the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas, both as a roadmap for good, equitable area-based conservation and as a benchmark of global excellence: 

“If the goal of 30 percent protection by 2030 is formally adopted in Montreal, governments and private sector stakeholders will need tools to measure their progress and ensure that quality standards are met. Drawing from its vast network of members and experts, IUCN has a long history of providing such tools, including the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas, which ensures that area-based conservation delivers outcomes for people and nature. I call on negotiators in Montreal to make use of this invaluable resource.” 

The IUCN president also called for conservation to be equitable and people-centered, underscoring the importance of sustainably managed lands administered by local and indigenous communities:

“Placing an area under conservation cannot mean excluding people who live there, but should empower and benefit them. In most cases, it will go hand in hand with sustainable development and contribute to local livelihoods, and under no circumstances should it ever go against the will of local communities.”

Ms. Al Mubarak also highlighted the Al Wathba Wetland Reserve near Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, the region’s first-ever protected area to achieve IUCN Green List status in 2019, as a global model for preserving biodiversity:

“The history of this remarkable place, which is home to flamingos and other migratory birds such as the golden eagle, can show us the way to the future. Today, Al Wathba is a natural paradise, teeming with life. But only two decades ago, this wildlife sanctuary was an urban-industrial complex, a diamond in the rough. The model of Al Wathba and the other Green List protected areas in the region can be emulated across the world, if all sectors of society come together with a joint goal.”

Read the full article by Razan Al Mubarak on The National.

How the MBZ Fund is bringing the world's endangered species back from the brink

This week The National published a feature story about the history, mission and impact of the Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ Fund).

The article highlighted the successes and importance of microfinancing species conservation projects in the field. A return to the successful practices of the golden age of conservation in the 1960s and 1970s, the MBZ Fund recognizes that when we protect one species, we indirectly protect the many others that make up the ecological community. With an estimated 10,000 species lost to extinction each year, at a rate one thousand times faster than any other period in history, Ms. Al Mubarak says the Fund’s work is more critical now than ever before.

Ms. Al Mubarak explained, “without conservationists in the field, we lose our first line of defence against habitat destruction, deforestation, overhunting, poaching and pollution. When we support a conservationist, chances are good that the conservationist will receive funding from other sources as well. Support from the MBZ Fund is often the spark that lights the fire of conservation.”

Launched in 2009 with an initial endowment of $25 million, grants of up to $25,000 are awarded and have now gone to support more than 1,400 species and subspecies. Over 2,150 projects have been awarded in over 160 countries. These have focused on the preservation of animals, plants and fungi. Awards have led to species rediscovery, reintroduction and protection from extinction. 

Read the full article by Daniel Bardsley “How an Abu Dhabi Fund is bringing world’s endangered species back from the brink” in The National.

Sighting of rare Steppe Whimbrel in Abu Dhabi signals progress for MBZ Fund-supported project

Some good news has risen from Abu Dhabi with the help of the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ Conservation Fund), where Razan Al Mubarak serves as the founding managing director. 

As reported by The National, a Steppe Whimbrel, of which only 100 exist today, was photographed on Saadiyat Island by two members of Emirates Bird Records Committee. This sighting is particularly remarkable because it is the first observation of a juvenile Steppe Whimbrel in the field anywhere in the world.

The whimbrel's identity was confirmed by Gary Allport of BirdLife International, the world's foremost expert on Steppe Whimbrels. In 2018, the MBZ Conservation Fund provided a grant to researchers at the University of Cape Town to support research on Steppe Whimbrel migration.

“Sighting a juvenile Steppe Whimbrel here in Abu Dhabi is magnificent news,” Ms. Al Mubarak told The National. “The fund supports conservation of rare species and subspecies around the world but we never expected one of the rarest of all to turn up on our doorstep. It emphasises the importance of our commitment to maintaining protected areas along bird migration routes, including here in Abu Dhabi.” 

The MBZ Conservation Fund operates on the principle that small actions can make a big difference. The organization provides microgrants to people working directly with endangered species in the field, and has supported more than 2,150 projects in over 160 countries, helping to reduce threats to species, many of which are on the brink of extinction.

Read more about the Steppe Whimbrel project at The National

Emirati environmentalist Razan Al Mubarak in running to lead global wildlife agency

An Emirati environmentalist will run for the presidency of a global conservation body working to preserve wildlife and nature. Razan Al Mubarak was chosen as one of the two candidates to head the Switzerland-based International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Ms Al Mubarak, managing director of the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund and head of Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, will be subject to a vote in June at IUCN’s World Conservation Congress 2020 in Marseille. Her candidacy was announced at a meeting of the IUCN governing council in Gland, Switzerland, this week.

Read the full article by Shuchita Gautam on The National.

VIDEO: Heroes of Sustainability: Meet the individuals who have dedicated their careers to creating a greener future for all

Razan Al Mubarak has been at the forefront of the UAE's successful efforts in the conservation of key species over the last decade.

Like most mothers, she aspires for her daughter to grow up in a world of clean air and water, graced by nature. Unlike most three-year-olds, however, that little girl has a parent whose personal passion and professional tenacity helps render that aspiration realistic.

As managing director of the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, and Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, Razan Al Mubarak is a potent force in conservation and sustainability, in the UAE and beyond. She cites stunning victories for her organisations, most incredibly, perhaps, the EAD-led re-introduction of Arabian oryx into the UAE desert and its programme to restore scimitar-horned oryx to Chad.

Read the full article by David Dunn on The National.

The world's oceans are a gift of nature that we all have a duty to preserve

It's called the “blue marble” for a reason.

Looking at the Earth from space, the enormous swaths of brilliant turquoise and navy blue dominate the picture, yet we focus so much of our attention on the landmasses floating amid all the water. Our oceans are the largest ecosystem on Earth – responsible for generating approximately half of the oxygen in the atmosphere and holding approximately 97 per cent of the water on our entire planet.

They are vital to the existence of all species including us.

However, our oceans are under threat. Activities such as mass over-fishing, unprecedented plastic pollution, widespread habitat destruction, climate change, and coastline overpopulation are disrupting food chains, damaging vital marine ecosystems irreparably, and causing our oceans to suffer. What's more, unlike sovereign countries, which abide within set rules of jurisdiction, the oceans have no set boundaries.

As such, the threat to our oceans requires a cross-country, collaborated solution. No one nation can address this problem on its own. Only global partnerships can underscore our collective commitment towards the protection and preservation of local marine biodiversity, equitable governance of coastal activities, and sustainable management of our marine resources.

The World Ocean Summit, the sixth of which was held in Abu Dhabi in March 2019, is essential in promoting dialogue with key stakeholders. On behalf of Abu Dhabi Government, the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi and the Department of Economic Development were proud to be bringing this critical conversation to the Middle East for the very first time.

Despite being a desert nation, the sea has always been vital to Abu Dhabi's history and culture. Located at the geographical epicentre of global trade routes, with one of the most populous coastal communities in the region, Abu Dhabi and the UAE enjoy a rich tradition of trading, seafaring, pearling, shipbuilding, fishing, along with a growing tourism sector.

Preserving our waters is of upmost importance, with the UAE government making crucial investments in blue technology and aquaculture, and implementing major conservation initiatives such as our Marine Water Quality programme, in which we use a network of 22 monitoring stations to collect data to protect public health.

Later in 2019, the UAE will assume presidency of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) until 2022 for the first time since becoming a member in 1999. Organisations such as IORA illustrate the importance of regions coming together to share maritime environmental responsibilities.

The governments of Abu Dhabi and the UAE are proud of its marine conservation work so far, but saving our oceans is a responsibility shared by us all.

By building bridges that connect us, we can come together as one and effect real change. It is in everyone's best interest to preserve our oceans and ensure that the “blue marble” remains blue.

Read the entire op-ed on The National here.